News — data
Crowdfunding Crokinole
Posted by Emily Ogle on
- Tags: accessories, board games, canada, crokinole, data, kickstarter
Crokinole in the United States, 2019 Edition
Posted by Erhan Kartaltepe on
Observations on the Board Game Renaissance
Posted by Emily Ogle on
Many have commented and reported on the powerful and unexpected surge in popularity of board and tabletop games over the last several years, but is it truly that unexpected? Online forum BoardGameGeek includes pages of statistics generated by its users, and it shows a steady increase in how many games have been played over the past few years: in 2017, there were about 6.3 million recorded plays by users—in 2018, this number increased to nearly 7 million. The trend shows no signs of slowing Polygon recently reported statistics provided to them by Kickstarter, who revealed that the tabletop games category...
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- Tags: board games, data, history